Work Areas
This might be inspired by any number of reasons, from a desire to achieve new, different or better outcomes, seeking clarity with internal issues or just feelings of being stuck.
Some people come to coaching independently, for others their work place supports them. Some clients want to address a specific issue, for others it’s a more wide ranging investigation into how they work, what’s going on for them and insights to help.
As a qualified coach with 25 plus years of experience I have been lucky to have worked with clients from numerous industry sectors, organisations of all shapes and sizes and with all company positions. Coaching is not just for the chief execs, it is more often about devolving leadership, releasing potential, supporting people as they step up. The main consideration is are you prepared to work at it.
My experience tells me that coaching works best when it is an integrated process, first involving listening and understanding, and then working together to find solutions; be this adopting positive habits or thinking patterns, exploring values and beliefs, or focusing on refining and learning skills. And it’s often a combination.
Whatever it is for you, it’s always confidential, always focused on your issues and it’s always looking to empower people to make progress.
All coaching starts with a conversation, to start that conversation simply get in touch.
Working with teams allows them the opportunity to take time out, to reflect, to learn and build incrementally. Typically this would enable them to explore issues such as how they see themselves, their collective and individual mindsets and, ultimately, to identify constructive expectations, habits and behaviours that enable individual capabilities can come together to create a high performance team.
Working with teams can involve:
- Establishing a new team - laying solid foundations and establishing robust working methods to resist the stresses of the modern workplace.
- Building on success - understanding what has gone well and how come, celebrating and exploring ways to sustain and develop this into the future.
- Restoring the balance, helping those that are coming off the rails to work through the pain, re-focus and establish more positive working practices.
Regardless, opportunities to share understanding, to learn from experiences, to deepen and broaden capabilities enables a team to consolidate the bonds between individuals, building the strengths we seek.
If you feel your teams could benefit, just get in touch.
The development of an organisation can be inspired by many things - natural evolution, new people or an existential crisis. Regardless of the reason, core to organisational development is the idea of alignment - parts of the whole working effectively and then working effectively together to deliver the same ends.
In essence such organisational initiatives involve ensuring day to day working behaviours support the desired values, beliefs and ultimately the identity of the organisation. Easy to say. In practice an integrated approach with parallel streams is often required, for example:
- Working with the executive group to clarify the issues, the direction and the desired outcomes.
- Working with operational levels to establish understanding, engagement and ownership.
- Combining and uniting the efforts of complementary functions.
- Resolving conflicts of interests, be this between individuals or teams.
- Coaching key personnel
- Observation and feedback as new leadership and management behaviours are developed and refined.
If you would like to explore in more detail, just get in touch.